The Middle East Education Library features resources for students and teachers living, learning and teaching in the Middle East. This regional library focuses on topics and issues relevant to the students and teachers we serve across the region and currently offers resources in Arabic, Kurdish and Syriac, including textbooks and syllabi, resources on STEM topics, lesson plans and video lectures.
First implemented in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), the Middle East Education Library also features a wealth of educational videos created by the AANES Department of Education.

Featured resources
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صديقي فتفوت الخياليّ (Our Imaginary Friend)
This Arabic storybook from Sesame Street’s Ahlan SimSim collection helps children explore the concept of imaginary friends. Imagination helps children adapt to reality and relieve stress by transporting them into fantastical new worlds and adventures.
القصص المصوّرة لا تحتوي على نصوص لمساعدة الطفل في ابتكار الحوار ورواية المشهد بطريقته الخاصة.

dan û standinek li ser avê (A Conversation about Water)
In this Kurdish-language video from Sesame Street’s Ahlan SimSim series, Elmo plays with water until Raya teaches him about saving water.
أساسيات المحتوى الحساس (Sensitive Content Basics)
This infographic about sensitive content teaches how to control the content you watch on online platforms.
إنفوغراف حول المحتوى الحساس. تعلم كيفية التحكم بالمحتوى الذي تشاهده على منصات الإنترنت.

الجفاف والفيضانات وتغير المناخ وفقدان الغابات في منطقة الأمازون (Drought, floods, climate change and forest loss in the Amazon)
This article discusses how droughts and floods may alter the moisture exchange between forests and the atmosphere and can affect the survival of the Amazon forest.

الخلايا الجذعية (Stem Cells)
This video from Tahrir Academy explains what stem cells are and what their function is in the human body.
يشرح ما هي الخلايا الجذعية ووظائفها في جسم الإنسان.
التصميم من أجل التغيير: فكرة واحدة: أسبوع واحد (Design for Change lesson plan — One Idea: One Week)
This lesson plan help students learn how creative arts can help address social issues.