Focused on social impact

After implementing SolarSPELL digital libraries in-the-field, the SolarSPELL team returns to field sites to conduct monitoring and impact evaluation. Through tools such as usage tracking software, surveys, and interviews, we gather feedback from library users and in-field partners.

What we learn informs data-driven change and facilitates on-going improvements to the libraries, hardware, software, training workshops, and implementations. The data and stories collected are reported to our in-field partners and compiled into an Annual Impact Report, providing an account of milestones and impact throughout the year. We are excited to share how our initiative is engaging teachers and learners, across sectors and around the world .

2023 Annual Impact Report

Read our Annual Impact Report to discover SolarSPELL's impact on communities around the world.

Read report

Global Impact

SolarSPELL libraries implemented
People trained
Estimated number of people reached
Countries served