The Pacific Islands Education Library features resources for students and teachers in the Marshall Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu. Built on our general Education Collection, the majority of the library includes resources in English (based on requests from our partners), but there are also resources in Fijian, Marshallese, Bislama and Samoan.
The digital resources in this library focus on topics and issues relevant to the students and teachers we serve across the Pacific Islands, including textbooks and syllabi, arts and culture, and storybooks.

Featured resources
Click and drag to scroll through featured resources below.
One Word Trailer
This is the trailer for “One Word,” a participatory full feature documentary about the impacts of climate change on the Republic of the Marshall Islands and its people. The movie was developed and filmed with the strong inclusion of Marshallese people through film workshops that ran over a period of nine months.
Mangroves: Living on the Edge in a Changing Climate – Place-based Resources for Pacific Island Schools
This environmental education book, prepared for schools in the Pacific Islands teaches students about mangroves, including why they’re important how we can protect them in the face of climate change.

Conversational Vosa Vakaviti for Beginners Lesson 1
The first lesson of Let’s Learn Fijian, a conversational language learning program that teaches English-speakers how to speak the Fijian language of Vosa Vakaviti.
Hand Washing Poster in Bislama
This poster teaches kids how to wash their hands, with instructions in the Bislama language.