
Education Sector

We led our first train-the-trainer with Peace Corps Lesotho in January 2023 with ten Education Volunteers and their local teacher counterparts. Each pair learned how to get the most from the SolarSPELL library and how train their co-workers on it as well. Six months later, our team returned to conduct follow-up interviews and lead a refresher workshop for PCVs, counterparts and their school principals.

Peace Corps Lesotho invited us back in January 2024 to train the new cohort of Education Volunteers and counterparts, and we were thrilled to be joined by several PCVs and counterparts from the first cohort, who shared their success stories and lessons learned.

Total number of SolarSPELL libraries deployed
Total number of people trained
Estimated number of people reached

Working With

  • Peace Corps Lesotho


  • January 2023
  • January 2024
  • January 2025

Photos from the Field


“It has everything or almost everything I have been searching for as a teacher.”

Survey respondent

“Teachers at my school are very much looking forward to using the digital library, and I’ve heard from other volunteers that teachers at their schools are very excited too. We are all so grateful to have the opportunity to use these resources, and I can’t wait to see the positive impact it has for our students.”

Kenna HeroyEducation Volunteer, Peace Corps Lesotho


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New digital SolarSPELL training course debuts in Lesotho

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