February 29, 2024
Announcing ASU SolarSPELL’s new hardware design!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new-and-improved hardware, which…

January 25, 2024
SolarSPELL champions support training in Lesotho
’M’e Matseba Leboea teaches first, second and third grade at her rural…

September 12, 2023
New digital SolarSPELL training course debuts in Lesotho
Think back to a class you took, or a training you attended,…

July 17, 2023
Student spotlight: Paye Kialain uses data to empower
By Shefali Sinha, SolarSPELL Communications Intern SU23 SolarSPELL is an ever-growing organization…

May 3, 2023
Rebuilding an education system amidst conflict
After decades of oppression and civil war, the Autonomous Administration of North…
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